Google Ads Malaysia | Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Generate 10x More Sales with Google Ads

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    We are Certified by Google

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    Google Ads Search Certification

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    Google Ads Display Certification

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    Google Ad Search Certification

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    Google Shopping Ads Certification

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    Google Ads App Certification

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    Google Ad - Measurement Certification

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    Rank #1 in Google. Get Sales with Google Ads

    Ranking your website at the first page in Google when people searching for your services is no longer a difficult tasks. Through Google ads, your website can be shown at Rank #1 on Google search result within a few hours! Contact us to learn more on how to rank on Google FAST

    Multi-Channels to Boost your Sales

    With just one platform, your brand can be expose to people around the world through multiple channels that being offered by Google, including Youtube, Google Search, Blogs, Mobile Apps and etc.

    Google Search

    Youtube Ads

    Google Display Ads

    Shopping Ads

    google ads

    Unlimited Business Expansion

    Google dominate the internet world. Almost every human in this world in some point used Google products. Since we are using Google’s platform to advertise, you will get the chance to reach the entire world! The global market are within your reach, which are significantly better than other advertising methods. 

    Result is Fast & Immediate

    Compare to other marketing channels such as booth marketing, distributing flyers or even online marketing such as SEO, Google Ads have the advantage of bring in sales and leads faster. Within hours of setup, your ads will be starting to show up in Google’s huge Network. 

    google ads
    google ads

    High Quality Traffic

    With Google Ads, you are able to reach your targeted audience accurately. Through keywords targeting, your offer can be easily seen by your potential customers that are searching for products and services that you are offering. These users are Ready to Buy user!


    Guaranteed Sales & Leads

    Yes, 100% guaranteed. Within the contracted period, if no sales or leads being generated as per agreed during project engagement, we will refund our management fee to you.

    Let our Professional Team to help you

    Save Cost and Save Time

    Get rid of all the hassle and extra cost you will be encountered if you do it yourself. Our team will help you manage everything on marketing. Things you need to do is only sit down and wait for sales to come in. Just that simple.

    All the employees hassle and cost has been eliminated for you

    • No MC Leave
    • No need to pay extra EPF
    • No employee benefits
    • No training required

    Our Customers

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    digital marketing malaysia
    digital marketing malaysia
    digital marketing malaysia
    digital marketing malaysia
    digital marketing malaysia
    digital marketing malaysia
    digital marketing malaysia

    Other Services You Might Need

    Website Design

    We provide personalized web design services to maximize user experience while browsing your website.

    facebook marketing

    Facebook Marketing

    You can reach your business prospects with lower cost using Facebook Marketing.


    Rank on top with our Search Engine optimization services. We provide competitive keyword research.

    Google Ads Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Google Ads is a kind of online advertising that companies use to advertise their goods and services on Google Search, YouTube, Android and other websites. Additionally, Google Advertisements enables marketers to specify particular objectives for their ads, such as generating phone calls or website visits. Advertisers that create a Google Advertisements account may adjust their budgets and targeting, as well as start and stop their ads at any moment.

    Google Advertisement is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform. Advertisers are required to bid on clicks they purchased from Google in order to show their ads on Google’s platform. There are several parameters required for setting before launch:

    1. Identifying your objectives. Make sure your ads match with your advertising goal.
    2. Setup ads parameters such as location, language, bids, budget, audience targeting, keyword targeting and etc.
    3. Prepare Ads write up / Banners / Videos together with campaign landing page.

    The cost of Google Advertisement is determined by the market’s bid and your budget limitations. Google Advertisement offers you full budget controls. You only will be charged when people take an action in response to your advertisement, such as clicking your ads to visit your website or calling your company. The cost of a click or a call may depend on many different variables. Generally, most ads are quite affordable such as Display ads or Youtube ads. Search ads are slightly expensive but due to its high conversion rate, the investment you have made is worth your ROI.

    The Google Display Network enables you to reach individuals with customized Display advertisements when the audience is visiting their favourite websites, watching a YouTube movie with a friend, checking their Gmail inbox, or using mobile devices and applications.

    You may position your advertisements in front of people before they begin looking for products or services similar to yours, which can be critical for your entire advertising strategy.

    Additionally, you may remind individuals of their interests by re-targeting to those who have previously visited your site or app.

    YouTube Ads is managed by Google Advertising platform. It is the only way to promote your video content on YouTube. The Youtube Ads mechanism is showing your video on other people’s videos. There are multiple types of video display strategies, such as In-stream ads, bumper ads, Non-skippable ads etc. Your ads might also show up on Youtube Search result, right on the first result you got.

    Shopping advertisements also called as Shopping Ads. These types of ads include detailed product information, such as a product image, price, and the merchant’s name. They are generated using data from product information you provide in your Merchant Center data feed and are shown to users who are already looking for the items you promoted.

    Let us propose to you with a FREE Google Ads Strategy Plan.

    Contact us today to get a Free Google Advertising Proposal from us today. We will show you what you can do get the sales you want!