Selling on Shopee!How to build a high-quality product list for SHOPEE?
Selling things on Shopee is very profitable, but do you know what kind of products are the most profitable? Here are five ways to prepare the most suitable product list:
1. Make a list of high-quality products.
You may wind up with nothing, or at the very least not generating any money, if the product list you develop does not match or surpass the requirements set by your competition.
There are hundreds of items on an e-commerce site like Shopee that are identical to the ones you wish to sell.
A well-crafted product list is critical since it may help you attract shoppers’ attention and generate more clicks.
2. Searchability of the product
Assume that your product is the only one having a mobile charging function among all the handbags on Shopee.
You’ve observed, though, that your sales aren’t as high as those of other handbag dealers.
It’s possible that the cause is that your product’s searchability is low. As a result, if you go to the search box to look for a handbag, you will not even look at the first three pages of results. To
If purchasers can’t see the product, they won’t be able to buy it, no matter how amazing it is.
3. Optimizing the conversion rate of product listings
Conversion rate optimization is another key factor to consider.
E-commerce has the advantage of allowing anyone to establish a business without having to spend a lot of money.
The negative is that there aren’t many techniques to persuade people to buy things via e-commerce. Product photos and strong ad text are your only options.
Two customer conversion channels will differentiate why product listing conversion rate improvement is necessary.
4. Customers at the mall
Let’s say someone wants to purchase a scarf from your neighbourhood shop. The buyer made his way over to the scarf’s exhibit. She was first hesitant due to the stated price, but she eventually opted to learn more about the materials before leaving the store.
She chose to take the scarf to the counter to purchase the products after seeing the distinctiveness of the materials utilised in the product. Customers consider pricing while selecting whether or not to acquire things.
However, once the buyer realises that the pricing is appropriate, they will return (due to product quality or additional features). As a Shopee seller, you must ensure that you have a solid product list in order to overcome any conversion obstacles(whether it is related to cost, quality or competition).
5. Customers who purchase on the internet
Let’s say the same buyer wants to make a winter scarf. Rather than heading to the mall this time, she decided to check out the Shopee app to see what she might discover.
The consumer looked over your product description to obtain a better idea of what you’re selling. She glanced at your product photos to see how the item appeared when zoomed in. However, your image lacks the specifics she seeks, as well as the ability to adequately represent the unique value of your product, and hence cannot be converted.
Another Shopee seller characterised his scarf as “excellent for cooling or winter,” but you merely said that it was made of cashmere.
You understand the function of cashmere fabric as a Shopee vendor. Many purchasers are aware of this, but many potential consumers are unaware.
Customers will be able to tell you that your scarf was worn throughout the cold season if this occurs at a shopping mall or any other physical area. She may have conducted a physical examination to get a sense of the product.
She has no other foundation than the content of your own goods list because the transaction is conducted online.